March 10, 2011

The Joys of Motherhood

So, the last couple weeks my angel baby who had slept through the night from a month old has decided that he does not remember how. He cannot even make it four hours anymore. I thought the days of waking up every two hours were behind me until we decide to have our next baby. Last night Joseph was up 6 times. SIX! He hasn't been up that many times since the first few days we brought him home. I thought I was going to die this morning when he decided it was time to wake up. We moved him into his own room this week thinking that it might help him sleep better but that is just not the case. 
I have no idea what to do to get him sleeping through again but I am on a quest to find something! Does anyone have any tips? Anything would be much appreciated.
Even though he is killing me with his new sleeping habits he makes up for it with how adorable he is and how much he is learning. He just recently started making "razzes" and it makes me laugh every time. He also started on rice pablum a couple days ago ( I did this in hope he would sleep better but nope it is not working). He is becoming so interactive and has the cutest little laugh. He is extremely ticklish on his tummy neck and up his back and when you tickle him he gets so squirmy. He has been able to sit up leaning on his hands and is getting better at that by the day. I feel so blessed every day to be able to watch him change and grow, which by the way, is happening WAY too fast its like where has my little tiny baby gone? I can't believe he is already 4 months old and 17 almost 18 pounds! 