December 18, 2010

Photo Session with Deanna McCollum Photography

Last Saturday Roland, Joseph and I went to Deanna McCollum's home studio to get our photos taken. It was really fun and I was so proud of Joseph. He was so calm and would let Deanna put him in any position she wanted to. I am absolutely in love with the pictures she took. She is so talented! Here is a link to her website and also a few of the pictures from the day.

December 17, 2010

Breastfeeding Terrors

One of the things I've had the hardest time with is breastfeeding. Even though I didn't have some of the problems that moms can have such as latching issues I just did not like it at all, and that is putting it nicely.I felt so bad for hating it because, as a mother, wasn't I supposed to enjoy the closeness and nurturing that breastfeeding brought to my child and my relationship? Unfortunately I was not getting that feeling and I felt there was nothing I could do about it. I would actually watch shows where moms were feeding their children formula and look on through jealous eyes. When formula commercials came on I would look at them and want to switch so bad, sometimes I would even cry. But, I just couldn't bring myself to switch for some reason. R would always say that we should, and that it wasn't that big of a deal, but to me it was. Maybe it was everyone telling me that it wasn't actually easier. You see I asked a whole bunch of my friends who are moms and got a ton of advice, even my own mother had tried both (I'm adopted so she had to bottle feed me however, my brother is biological so he was breastfed.) That, by the way, is another reason I just couldn't up and switch. I have a horrible immune system and I am convinced it is because I wasn't breastfed meaning I missed out on those antibodies that help with immune systems. Some of the advice I got really helped. One of the things that stuck the most was to give myself goals such as: 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months and so on. So, today I find myself two days away from my 6 week goal. And, surprisingly I don't hate it anymore. I still don't love it, and some days I still want to switch to bottles (like this week when Joseph was going through his growth spurt and either eating, sleeping, or crying.) But, I persevered and now sometimes I even enjoy it. Yes, thats right, enjoy it! 
Becoming a mom has taught me a lot about myself. I never knew I could be this patient or that I could stick with something for this long even though I hated it. When I was younger I would watch my mom do things (let's be honest, everything) for us children. She even did all these things when she was sick. And, I never thought I could do that...I'm not a very happy sick person you see. But now I know that I can because if I can make it through and keep on breastfeeding, I can do anything.

Being a New Dad

Nov 7, 2010 was the beginning of the end of  Chelsea's pregnancy, and the end to the first stage of Joseph's life. 53 minutes after midnight, Nov 8, 2010, our son was born. 8 lbs 12 ozs of our boy came out of my wife with barely a cry, and alert as can be. The sheer joy that overcame me upon seeing our son for the first time was overwhelming, too the point of tears. Being at Chelsea's side had me torn... do I stay with and comfort my wife, or do I go and hold our son for the first time? I chose to stay with Chelsea until she said to go... which wasn't very long. Then I got to clip the remainder of Joseph's umbilical cord (not as tough as it's made out to be), see Joseph weighed and tested, and FINALLY got to hold our son, whom I immediately brought over to take some pictures with and meet his mom. While Chelsea was getting put back together after her c-section, Joseph and I went to meet his Grandma and Grandpa Sherwood, Grandma Larocque, Grandma Deena, and Uncle Jason. I have never seen such a calm and alert newborn as he turned his head to hear who was talking and see who was holding him. Everyone was overjoyed to see the healthy baby boy. We spent the next few nights in the hospital and had many visitors, all of whom welcomed our bundle of joy into this world. I can't wait to watch our boy grow and grow and see what adventure life has for us Larocques. Until then!

December 10, 2010


Today our little one is one month old. Already?!?! are you kidding me? It surprises me how fast time passes, especially considering how slow nine months went when I was pregnant. I think that's because I was waiting to "get there". You know how when your traveling somewhere the way there seems so long, but the way home flies by? 
This first month of my sons life has already brought so many milestones and I look forward every day to see what new thing he will that day. He is lifting his head 45 degrees, focusing on faces, focusing on objects, following objects with his eyes and as well as turning his whole head to follow them, he's found his hands, and today he smiled and it was the most amazing moment of my whole life. He has been kind of smiling for the past week but today his whole face lit up and I cried. I can't believe I'm one of those moms...actually wait...who am I kidding? I always knew I would be one of those moms. 
When I was pregnant I could not wait for Joseph to come but now it all seems to be racing by faster than I would like. Although, I am so excited to watch him grow into the person he is going to be. I am so excited for his first laugh and words, crawl and steps. I am so excited to be his mom and to help him learn and grow. I am surprised daily at the amount of love that I have for him and also that it grows every day. I am really settling in to this mommy thing and I am loving it!
P.S I started writing this on the 8th so thats why it says "today our son is one month old"

December 07, 2010

4 Things

4 Things

I'm a sucker for these things!

4 shows I watch:
One Tree Hill
Modern Family
How I Met Your Mother

4 things I am passionate about:
1 - family
2 - church
3 - shopping
4 - travelling

4 phrases I say a lot:
1 - tell me about it
2 - P.S
3 - really?
4 - are you kidding me

4 things I have learned from the past:
1 - hard times can make you stronger depending on how you react to them
2 - patience is important
3 - love matters more
4 - be kind

4 places I'd like to go:
1 - All of the Caribbean
2 - England particularly Brighton
3 - Montreal and Quebec City
4 - Greece

4 things I did yesterday:
1- Looked after my one month old
2 - put away Josephs clothes finally
3 - the dishes
4 - family home evening

4 things I am looking forward to:
1 - Christmas
2 - watching my son grow up
3 - going to see my grandma sherwood
4 - getting Josephs/family pictures done on saturday

4 things I love about winter:
1 - warm clothes
2 - nights in
3 - fires in my parents fireplace
4 -Christmas

4 things on my wish list:
1- Joseph to sleep through the night
2 - a new TV
3 - for us to afford Roland going back to school
4 - to be a stay at home mom

4 people I tag:
1- I don't really want to tag this if you would like :)


December 04, 2010

Our New Arrival

I was hoping I would get around to writing this post a little sooner, but, as I'm sure most of you other moms know, being a new mom doesn't leave much time for blogging! is the story of how our wonderful bundle of joy came into this world!
On Saturday November 6th Roly and I went to a Victoria Salmon Kings game. Now, we went to a game a week before that too and I had a feeling that I was going to go into labor after a hockey game, so when my parents offered their season tickets to us again I jumped at the chance to go considering I was three days late already! So, we went to the game with my grandma and unfortunately the Kings lost horribly (due to the worst reffing job on the planet might I mention.) After the game we dropped my grandma off and went home to watch some t.v and go to bed early since we had church in the morning. I think we went to bed around twelve and I ended up waking up at two-ish feeling like I really had to go to the bathroom but it turns out I didn't. While trying to go to the bathroom I had my show...sorry guys its gross but this is the story. But, I had read that having your show doesn't mean your going in to labor so I didn't really think much of it. I went back to bed and an hour later was to the bathroom again with no avail, but more show! This time I woke Roland up. We laid back down in bed and my cramps started slowly getting closer together. Around six am they were about 4-5 minutes apart and HURT so I figured it was time to call my Dr. who told me to go to the hospital. By the way I had had an appointment on the fourth and he had said he would be very surprised if I went into labor that weekend. I guess you should never tell me I wont be doing something cause I'll do it! 
Roland and I drove to the hospital and checked in. When the nurse checked me I was 1cm dilated and 100% effaced, she called my Dr. and he decided to come and check me too. After he had arrived and I was still 1cm they were going to send me home and told me to come back around 6pm unless my water broke. They were also going to give me some painkillers and some sleeping pills to help me wait it out. So, we got up and I got dressed ready to leave the hospital and they changed their minds and said I could stay. I was pretty relieved considering I have zero pain tolerance and these contractions were killing me. I started with using just the laughing gas which surprisingly helped a lot because it made me concentrate on my breathing. Unfortunately it wasn't enough to get me through the pain so the nurses gave me morphine. Morphine was a joke and barely touched the amount I was hurting so I begged my Doctor to give me an epidural which with much convincing on my part he finally gave in. Thank you Doctor Bill! I got my epidural within ten minutes which was super lucky considering I had talked to another lady who delivered the same day as me and she had to wait like three hours, thank you Heavenly Father for knowing ten minutes was all I could wait! When the specialist was giving me my epidural Roland almost passed out which I thought was really funny cause it didn't hurt at all to get it.Having my epidural slowed down my labor a lot (before I had it I was having contractions every two minutes and they slowed down to every four.) 
I had a lot of people at the hospital to entertain me throughout my 21 hours of labor. My in-laws were able to make the trip over to the mainland hoping I would have Joseph by 5 o'clock because my father-in-law had to take the 7pm ferry back. However, that wasn't the case considering I had him at 12:53 am. Also at the hospital was my mom, dad, birth mom and her boyfriend Evan. So, at around 6pm my Dr. decided to get a consult from another OB to see if I should get a c-section because my sons ginormous head just would not engage in my pelvis (we found out later on it's because my pelvis is shaped weird.) So at I don't know what time, probably 11:30ish, the other OB came in and examined me. By now my epidural wasn't working anymore even though they had just put more medicine into it. The other OB tried to turn Joseph because he was facing up instead of towards my back, hence why the epidural wasn't working, and it was the most excruciating thing I have ever felt. Unfortunately, Joseph wouldn't turn so I was offered to wait a little longer and see if we could try to get him out vaginally, or, have a c-section. Now, I know some women are against c-sections or they feel like they failed at being a woman because they couldn't have their baby the way billions of other women have but, at this point I was in so much pain, balling my eyes out and so done with this whole situation that I decided to have a c-section, and you know what? I don't regret it at all. 
How fast everything happens once they decide to do an emergency section is mind blowing. Within five minutes I was being wheeled into the operating
room and getting put onto the table. For sections you aren't put under you are given a spinal tap, which by the way was one of the scariest experiences of my life. Getting it wasn't the hard part, it was just like getting an epidural. It was the way your body freezes that was scary. I felt like I couldn't breathe and I was given an oxygen mask which made me feel claustrophobic and all I wanted was to take the mask off. Once they got me all frozen and prepped they let Roland in, I'll let him tell you about it from his point of view. Having surgery when your awake is a weird feeling, I could feel pulling and tugging but no pain. And, all of a sudden my son let out his first cry, which, by the way, was right as his mouth hit the incision and it was his only cry. My dr said he came out wide eyed and alert looking at everyone and everything around him. They cleaned him off and wrapped him up (dad got to cut the umbilical cord shorter than they had cut it) and passed him to Roland who in turn brought him to me. I'm not going to lie to you, that instant connection that you see moms feel in movies or read about in books, I didn't really feel that right away. Roland brought him out to see our families and I'm told he looked around at everyone then too. I couldn't hold him until I was in recovery because I was shaking so bad from the anesthesia. The nurse passed him to me so I could nurse him and he was the perfect little latcher (thank heavens I was so worried about nothing!) As soon as he started nursing the shaking stopped and I fell so in love with my little bundle of joy.
Healing from this c-section, and adjusting to becoming a new mother has not been easy for me. But, I am finding the joy in this role I've wanted to play my whole life. Through foggy minds and fuzzy eyes from tiredness I have grown to love my son more than I ever knew possible. And that love grows every day. I am so thankful for the other moms in my life who have helped me with words of counsel. And, especially to my mom who has helped with absolutely everything from dishes to diapers. This new mom task I have taken on is a big scary one but it is one I know I will enjoy thoroughly. Maybe even more when he starts sleeping through the night? 

November 03, 2010

The Due Date of our Son

Today is the due date of our son. It has been so exciting counting down to this day, and it is finally here. But where is our son? Chelsea has been excited that he could be here any day for at least two weeks, and now she has become impatient. I can understand, but only partially. I haven't had to feel the aching of hips, the carrying of extra weight, or the cramping that comes and goes, just as a teaser of what is to come. I eagerly await and do what I can to help, but really, do any of the old wives tails help to induce? Not for us, so far. But as we wait, I can't help but think of how exciting the unravelling of events will be once our bundle of joy makes his arrival. What has been peaceful, and for the most part an easy pregnancy (especially for me!) seems as though it isn't building to it's climax yet, but being calm before the storm is a good thing, right? What I mean is that Chelsea is healthy and Joseph is active in the womb... these are all good things. And it will all culminate in the birth of our son, whom we already adore, eventually. So as we await for this exciting new page in the book of our lives to be written, I can't help but wonder what is to come. Will our son be a happy baby or will he be cholicy? When will he start sleeping through the night? What will be his first word? I know it's all going to fly by so fast once he's here, but for now, it feels like his arrival is on pause. Until you arrive, son, we await longingly.

Love, Dad

October 17, 2010

The Final Countdown

On Wednesday I will be 38 weeks pregnant...WOW how time just flies. It seems like just last week that I thought I had the flu and my mom asked if I was sure I wasn't pregnant. I can't believe how much has changed in this past year. It has been the best year of my life and I am looking forward to all the changes the years will bring to our lives. But, really? 38 weeks already? That means that this little one could come literally any time now. ANY TIME. However, when I went to the Dr. on Wednesday he said that he hadn't dropped yet so maybe I won't be earlier than November 3rd. 
I'm planning on spending these next two weeks getting everything ready. I have pretty much finished putting everything in the places I want them but, having an apartment isn't really conducive to all of the stuff we have. I'm finding that there is not enough storage space for all of our stuff. These past couple weeks I've been getting super uncomfortable. It feels like my pelvis and hips are being torn four different ways. It's really fun... I've also had heartburn real bad which is random because I didn't have it at all throughout my other trimesters. But, oh well I guess these are just the things that come with the end of a pregnancy. I keep telling myself it will all be over soon which scares and excites me at the same time.
I think the thing I am most looking forward to is seeing Roland become a father. I am so lucky to have him in my life as my husband and the father to my child. He is so excited and it always puts a huge smile on my face when I see him talk about his son. Roland is going to be the most amazing father. I've always been worried that I would have a husband who wasn't really involved in my childrens lives, but Roland will be so involved. 
I cannot wait to have Joseph in my arms and I cannot believe that its so close!

October 12, 2010

Oh to be Thankful

This Thanksgiving weekend has been a good one. Roly and I celebrated first with his family and then with mine. We left for the mainland very early Saturday morning and spent Saturday at his parents house watching movies (I napped) because being up at 430 am is not really my thing so I could barely keep my eyes open. On Sunday we had a delicious turkey dinner with yummy stuffing which Rolands mom puts bacon in mmmm and had a birthday cake for Roland since it is is birthday today. I was really tired again so I ended up going to bed pretty early. I just have not been able to stay awake for the past week, I guess they weren't lying when they said first trimester tiredness can come back in full  swing the third trimester. 
My parents were cooking dinner for monday so we had to get back to the island asap. We were supposed to catch the twelve but were late by one minute because the ferry stops selling walk on tickets ten minutes to sailing time so we ended up on the one which was fine. We had another amazing turkey dinner with my family including Grandma and the Whiddens. Roland also got another birthday cake (lucky guy). This time it was ice cream cake though which is his favorite.
I absolutely love this time of year and I love that we have a holiday to remind us to be thankful for the things which we have. I am thankful for so many things. I am thankful for the most amazing, caring, and loving husband a girl could ask for. I am thankful for the health my father-in-law has  been blessed with over the past few weeks. I am thankful for the greatest, most supporting family who are always there for my husband and I no matter what. I am greatful that I have had a easy (for the most part) pregnancy and that I have a healthy baby boy to meet soon. I am also thankful for the gospel and the hope and comfort it brings to our lives. 

October 05, 2010


I LOVE fall...absolutely love love love it! Especially October because there is pumpkin everything! I am addicted to pumpkin pie! and also Egg Nogg has already come out to play! yum yum yum!
So, Roly has offically started his new job and I am so happy to not have the stress of him looking for a job anymore although, I'm not going to lie I miss him a lot during the day. I got used to having him around. Oh well, pretty soon my days will be full of diapers and feedings and hopefully some sleeping (I'm crossing my fingers.) So as I am bored to my wits end I can't help but think that I should be enjoying this free time now because I will never have this much again. Hmm...maybe I should bake something pumpkiny off of one of my favorite blogs Our Best Bites. Like maybe this recipe:

Pumpkin and Cream Cheese Whoopie Pies
Original recipe from Baked: New Frontiers in Baking


3 c. all-purpose flour
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. baking powder
2 Tbsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. ground ginger
1 c. oil
1 c. dark brown sugar
1 c. white sugar
3 c. pumpkin puree
1 tsp. vanilla
2 eggs

Cream Cheese Filling

1/2 c. (1 stick) butter
1 8-oz. package cream cheese (you could use light)
3 c. powdered sugar
3 tablespoons maple syrup of 1/2-1 tsp. maple extract
1 tsp. vanilla

Preheat oven to 350.

Lightly spoon the flour into the measuring cup and level with a knife. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg. Set aside. In a large bowl, beat together the brown sugar, white sugar, and oil. Add the pumpkin puree and mix well. Add the vanilla and eggs and mix well. Slowly add in the flour mixture and mix until combined.

Using a 1 tablespoon scoop or a 1/2 tablespoon measure, drop the batter onto a baking sheet (lined, if possible, but not necessary), leaving about 1" between the batter. Try to keep the batter as circular as possible. Bake for 10-14 minutes or until the tops are done and a toothpick inserted into the middle of one of the cakes comes out clean. Remove from oven and allow to cool for 5 minutes on the pan and then transfer to a cooling rack.

To prepare the filling, beat the butter on high for 1-2 minutes until smooth and fluffy. Add the cream cheese and beat until smooth. Add the powdered sugar, maple, and vanilla and beat until combined. Transfer to a large Ziploc bag and cut 1/2"-1" off the corner.

Flip the cakes over on a flat surface. Squeeze about 2-3 tablespoons of filling per large whoopie pie (less if you used a 1/2 tablespoon measure) onto every other cake. Top each pie with the remaining cakes. Serve immediately if possible; otherwise, these can be refrigerated in an airtight container. Makes about 30 large whoopie pies.

Don't they look delicious? I will hopefully get around to making them soon. I've also slowly been working on the nursery and it is coming along nicely. I have hung some pictures on the wall and since we aren't allowed to paint I've also been thinking of getting some stick on bordering but am still not quite sure about it. There is so much stuff to get done in this last month before the baby comes so all in all I probably wont have any time to bake!



October 02, 2010

Mom, Babe, and Dad Update

It has been one very busy stress-filled week this week. Both good and bad stress though! Roland's dad went in for his surgery to get his pacemaker defibrillator taken out because he had an infection in the area and it was really bad. When they went in they realized that the infection had gotten to his heart, also when they took the pacemaker out his heart had grown over it a bit so they had to use a laser to take it out. When we heard what had happened and that his dad was in ICU we rushed to the ferry and went over to go see him. When we finally got over there it ended up that he was out of ICU and that he is doing much better. He is still on the antibiotics for the infection but from what I understand it seems to be going away (thank you Heavenly Father.) He is going in for another surgery Monday to get his pacemaker defibrillator back in but they are putting that on the other side this time. So, we are praying that everything  goes smoothly, could you please pray too? It was a very quick trip though because Roland started his new job on Friday and we had gone over Wednesday so we came back Thursday evening. 
This weekend is also General Conference. We went to the the morning session today and it was great. I love hearing the church authorities speak and teach the Gospel to us. I can't wait till we can actually go to Salt Lake  to see General Conference. My family is there right now and I am super jealous. I didn't go to the second session today though because my birth mom Deena threw me a baby shower and it was  so great. I got to meet a couple people from my birth family I didn't know and baby Joseph got some really great stuff! The baby shower was so much fun! And there was a ton of really good food. I ate so much that I just finished eating dinner now because I hasn't hungry until like 9:00! (it was a really delicious grilled cheese made for me by my wonderful hubby.I love him so much.) I'm so grateful to have such a loving caring support system around me it feels amazing and I feel so incredibly blessed.
We are also looking after my family dog Zoe this weekend. Even though we aren't technically allowed pets or visiting pets in the building. We have a cat though that they let us have. I'm just praying someone doesn't hear her barking and complain!
Because of us going to visit my father-in-law I had to postpone my doctors appointment till Monday. I am pretty sure Joseph is engaged because it hurts so much to walk especially right after I get up from sitting or laying down. Although everyone says I don't look like my belly has changed but he has been super low my whole pregnancy so I doubt it will change. Like I have said a million times before I am so ready to have this baby!

September 27, 2010


We have officially been bitten by the nesting bug! Something I never thought would happen to me, I  could see it happening to Roland but I am not too fond of cleaning so I doubted it would happen. Today when we got home from running various errands Roland wouldn't let me go on the computer (he has a new, unhealthy I think, addiction to online games) so I just went into the mess that we called the babies room and started getting Josephs laundry ready to go. Oh boy does he ever have a lot of clothes already! Three loads to be exact, and I haven't even had one baby shower yet. His wardrobe is going to be bigger that mine and that is saying a lot. I'm pretty sure its already bigger than Rolands. So, since I had already started on the laundry and Roly Poly was done with his games (finally) he started tidying the babies room. We also rearranged our room so we could put the t.v my parents gave us to good use finally but it doesn't even work!  Oh well I guess thats just the way things go. 
Today, when we were running our various errands we went to London Drugs to look and see if they had any thank you cards, which by the way they didn't, I randomly decided to look at the cameras because I really want a new one and I fell absolutely in love with this one:

Isn't it beautiful? It is the Nikon COOLPIX 10.3MP Digital Camera (P100) - Black and I want it SO BAD! And Christmas is coming...but I want it before so we can take pictures of baby with it because I do not like my camera I have now at all so I have pretty much stopped taking pictures all together, and I am not a fan of that one little bit. 
Well I should probably get back to helping my hubby nest away!

September 24, 2010

Mom and Babe Update

Only 39 days to go! that is SO crazy. I am getting ridiculously nervous and so excited/impatient all at the same time. Last night we had our last prenatal class and it was really good. Our teacher taught us about breastfeeding which was really good because that is something I am super unsure about and really nervous for. We also learned about vaccinations and circumcision and normal things for a baby that most parents worry about such as cradle cap and so on. Here are a couple pictures of our class

  Click on the pictures to enlarge them.

I am really happy that we took this class I think we both learned a lot and I am way more prepared for this whole child-birth and new mom thing that we are about to experience. (39 DAYS aahhhh!!!) I am freaking out! I've started counting days by the way because it freaks me out less. Another reason I loved taking this class was because I didn't feel huge around a whole bunch of pregnant women and we got to compare stories and feelings which was really nice. Here is a picture of my  bump this week. I am shocked at how much it grows every week.
Now that I am getting closer to the end of my  pregnancy I am kind of sad, which is  something I never thought would happen considering I am not a huge fan of being pregnant. I am going to miss feeling him inside me in the protection of my womb. I am going to miss feeling him hiccup which is the coolest thing ever. I'm so shocked at the protected and loving feelings I have for him already. I love him so much.


September 21, 2010

A New Direction

Well, I'm at it again. Looking for a new job. A career. Something to put food on the table for my family and keep myself happy and fulfilled while doing it. I guess that it's better to do this now, as opposed to when our child is born, but I never thought I'd have to do this the month before our baby arrives. So I've been looking online and going to job fairs. I've been thinking about labour jobs that pay well and sales jobs with no guarantees. I've been looking at apprenticeships in the trades, and even looked into the Department of National Defense for these positions. I'd love to start my own personal training company, but I need to do the course first and don't have the money for it. Plus, is it recession proof? I'm at a point in my life where I can't just do what I want to do on a whim. I have obligations. I have responsibilities. So, with my experience in customer service and sales, I'm seeking employment in the same field, once again. Being in Victoria is very hard, in that aspect, as I have found several opportunities, but none with a salary of more than $12 per hour. I am not afraid of commission only positions, but Chelsea is not a fan. If I can't rely on the salary to cover our living expenses, then she is not secure in the fact that we will survive month to month. If we can cover our living expenses with the salary, we can rely on commission for getting ahead in life. But where do I find such a position in Victoria? Why are all the good paying positions in Victoria for the well-educated? I feel as though the options here are either for the upper class or for those that serve them. There is no in between. Perhaps we are destined for a new location for our new direction.


September 15, 2010

Belly Update

So, here's the huge belly!

We had our Dr. appointment today and everything is great. Joseph's head is down and he hasn't dropped yet.  I want him to drop so that I can breathe again! I'm so happy that we chose to go with my Dr. he is an amazing Dr. and hilarious. It will also be cool cause he delivered me! And has been my Dr. my whole life. I am so excited!!!

September 13, 2010

So impatient!

As you all know I spent Sunday in the hospital. The Doctors figure that I just have some sort of flu. Luckily I haven't been throwing up all day today so hopefully I am getting better! 
Something that this hospital visit made me is impatient for our baby to come! I am dying! I don't want him to come too early but I just want to see him SO bad! I cannot wait to hold him in my arms, to clothe and bathe and feed him. I also cannot wait to see Roland hold him for the first time. I am so surprised at the amount of love I feel for him already. As nervous as I am for the labor process I just want it to happen so that I can meet him!

September 12, 2010

What's Happening!?

Chelsea is in the hospital! She started throwing up last night, and it was worse than what I'd seen from the first trimester. So I looked online to see why this may be happening 2 months before baby is born. Never do that! The results were anything from pre eclampsia to some kidney problem that could mean the death of my wife and/or child! SCARY! Of course, it never mentions that it could simply be the food she ate, but let's just hope that's what it is for the sake of positivity. So I told her that it may be pre eclampsia and she should call the nurses hotline. No need for her to know more than that. So the hotline says to go to the hospital. Duh! I could have told you that after looking at the internet! So here we are. To start with, they attached her to some machines to check Lil Joe's heart rate and to see if she's having contractions. Considering this is only week 33, let's hope it's not contractions! She is having tightening in her stomach at regular intervals. However, they are not strong enough to be contractions. Second, some invasive swabbing ensues after some pretty personal questions. Do they really need to know when we last had sex? Needless to say, the swabbing has to be done again later because of the timing of our latest interaction. Tee hee hee! OOPS! I begin to wonder if that is why this is happening right now. So for the next few hours Chelsea sleeps, or at least tries to, and I shift uncomfortably on the chair that is designed to make the husband feel some, if not all, of the pain that a woman goes through with bearing a bundle of joy. Baby seems to be doing fine. Mom is sleeping peacefully. The parking meter is happily accepting the abundance of coins I am depositing in it. But still, no answers. I will wait patiently in the death chair for answers. Until then, I leave you with this. The good, the bad, and the ugly... Of internet diagnosis on an expectant fathers mind.

September 10, 2010

What to Do Now?

This week something we weren't expecting happened. Roland was let go from work (I don't know if he will be to happy with me writing about this but, one reason I wanted to start this blog was to let you know whats really happening in our lives.) He was let go for reasons that we don't need to write about. So,what to do now? The obvious answers like look for work are already being done. But, unfortunately there aren't a lot of good options so far. This wouldn't be so stressful if our baby wasn't due in less than two months...I am trying really hard to trust in our Heavenly Father because I know that this has happened for a reason and that we will get through this. I am having a really hard time with this and I cannot imagine how hard this is for my wonderful husband to handle. What can I do to help? I'm trying to be really supportive and helpful but I just feel useless. Usually in a situation like this it would be fine because I would have a job so we would have an income to rely on but I haven't been working since we found out we were pregnant because of how sick I was. So, all I can do I guess is be supportive and pray for him and our family.

September 06, 2010

Oh the Symptom you Didn't Know About

Everyone knows there are an array of pregnancy symptoms. From early symptoms such as: nausea, breast tenderness, tiredness, food cravings and heightened sense of smell. To symptoms that come a little later on such as heartburn, bloating, constipation (grafic yes I know but, true) backache, water retention i.e swelling of feet, ankles, hands and face, hemorrhoids, hard time breathing and difficulty sleeping. But, I bet you didn't know, unless you were/are lucky enough to experience this wondrous symptom, carpal tunnel is also something you can get later on in pregnancy. And, boy did it ever hit me hard! 
Sometime last week I started waking up with tingling hands which was so bad it would wake me up. Then, further along in the week I started getting really bad pains in my hands. I've never experienced anything like this before so I thought it was just from the way I was sleeping. It had gotten so bad by Sunday that I  decided to go to the clinic. I told the Dr. what my symptoms were and I had barely started when he told me I have prengancy induced carpal tunnel. What? you can get carpal tunnel from pregnancy? He also told me that unfortunately I will just have to live with it because there isn't anything they can do while I'm pregnant. Oh Joy! So I have to live with this horrible pain in not only one but both of my hands. Luckily it goes away after 89% of cases. So in all reality I could  be in the 11% that has it after pregnancy as well!
Mind you, besides the horrible morning sickness, I mean all day sickness,I had in the beginning and the fact that my hips like to hurt more than anything ever has before, my pregnancy has actually been a pretty easy one. I've only had heartburn like twice which I am super thankful for because those two times were bad enough!  
So, knowing full well all the things that can come along with pregnancy why do we still do it? Are we crazy? I mean there are amazing things too like feeling your little one move inside you for the first time, and seeing what amazing things your body can do. Oh and the best thing is the baby you get at the end of the nine months, thats pretty cool too. 
I should probably stop typing and rest my poor little hands

September 04, 2010

Two Months Until Dad-dom

The excitement hasn't waned! In fact, I'm more excited now than ever before to become a father... And the reality of it all is beginning to set in! Not that I didn't know he was coming, but unlike Chelsea, his physical presence hasn't been a reality to me, apart from a few beats of the heart and the ultrasounds. It seems unfair that mom gets to know the joys of the physical being of a child well before the father. Outstretched, Lil Joe's footprints can be seen rising out of his mothers stomach just below her sternum. His movements are brought to my attention by her yelps of enjoyment as he tickles her ribs with his toes... Strong legs! Perhaps he'll be a fast skater? Or a SYTYCD star? Only time will tell. The final two months are extremely exciting to me. I'm excited for the big day, and it could be any time, really. I think it'll be before the due date... Or maybe I just hope that! I'm pretty sure he'll be born October 12th. It'll make a nice birthday present, for sure. :D I'm not worried about sleepless nights or changing diapers, I welcome it. I can't WAIT for the opportunity to bond with my mini me! There are so many things I look forward to passing on and sharing with my son, and so many things we'll be able to learn together. I look forward even to the things that he'll be able to teach me about myself, as I'm sure he will. I wait patiently until that day...


Oh the Joys of Prenatal Classes

Roland and I had our first prenatal class on Thursday night. It was the longest three hours of my lie, and Rolands considering he fell asleep once! But, if I wasn't scared enough before of the delivery process I definitely am now. The first stage of labor can last up to 12 hours? excuse me what did you just say? 12 hours and it isn't even active labor! aahhh to put it lightly I was having a major freak out session in my head. We also got to see a nice little video of a crowning baby, I was totally grossed out I could barely even watch! I mean I am sure that this class will be extremely helpful, and that we will learn a lot. But, for the first class giving us all the gruesome details and showing us a video? Isn't that a little much?
There is some good news though. I found out that I am not huge for my dates contrary to popular belief by the women who decide its appropriate to comment on how huge I am. I am actually a little smaller then most which makes me feel less self conscious! Question: Why do most women feel they have the right to say things like "wow your so big!" or my personal favorites "are your sure there isn't two in there?" and "Your dates MUST be wrong, there is no way your ONLY seven months with the size of that belly." Like really? common now. Just because you had your children a million years ago and you don't remember how big you actually got doesn't mean you can say "Wow you look like your about to pop!" No, actually I do not look like I am about to pop, I look like I am a healthy seven months pregnant thank you very much! I really can not stand the fact that people just think they have the right to comment on the size of a pregnant woman, you would never comment on the size of a woman if she weren't pregnant. So, unless your commenting on how beautiful my belly is please keep those comments to yourself.

                                    This is me at 31 weeks so a half a week ago

September 02, 2010

Baby Update

We had our doctors appointment today, it was the first one I had to go to alone. The Dr. said everything looks good. I am measuring about two and a half weeks ahead of my due date which is making me really excited and nervous at the same time because three and a half weeks from now baby could come any time. When my projected due date is November 3rd three and a half weeks from now is a little early! But, I have been measuring big my whole pregnancy (at first they thought we were having twins, now THAT was scary!) So, I have been told throughout this whole seven months that I will probably be delivering early which was less nerve wracking when I was only five months pregnant! But all in all little Josephs heart rate was perfect and so was my blood pressure and weight gain. Yay for that because stepping on that scale scares the heck out of me!
I feel so blessed to be having this new little one. I cannot wait to be a mom. Even though I don't know all the right things to do, and changing diapers makes me a little sick. I am so excited to hold our little bundle of love in my arms for the first time and share with him all the love I already hold in my heart for him.

August 31, 2010

We're Going to Try

Well, to be honest I have never been very good at this blogging thing, which probably stems from how horrible I was at journaling as well, but since I am having a child I would really like to try and write down some of our most special moments. 
So, what is happening with us? Recently Roland started a new job at a gym which is the perfect place for him to work because he is addicted to fitness and would like to become a personal trainer. He is enjoying the job but it is still long hours. I guess that is what happens with sales? So I am no longer a car widow but, I am now a gym widow. I've actually really been enjoying my third trimester (besides my achy ribs). I think Heavenly Father blessed me with no heart burn because of my morning sickness (all day more like it) making me throw up seven times a day. We have set up the babies furniture although, the pieces aren't in the correct places right now. We are keeping busy trying to get everything ready for baby because our Dr. says we will probably be delivering early because of how huge I am. I cannot believe I am already 31 weeks pregnant. It seriously feels like we found out I was pregnant yesterday. 
We recently went up to Vernon BC to go to my sister-in-law Michelles wedding. It was so beautiful and such a nice mini vacation! It was also so nice to meet a lot of Rolands extended family I hadn't had the chance to yet. We spent some good quality time with Rolands parents and siblings which we haven't had the chance to do since we moved back to the island. We are hoping we get to be over there for Rolands birthday/Thanksgiving but that all depends on when our little one decides to come (I can not wait.) 
So, I hope that we can continue this blog on a regular basis.
