September 02, 2010

Baby Update

We had our doctors appointment today, it was the first one I had to go to alone. The Dr. said everything looks good. I am measuring about two and a half weeks ahead of my due date which is making me really excited and nervous at the same time because three and a half weeks from now baby could come any time. When my projected due date is November 3rd three and a half weeks from now is a little early! But, I have been measuring big my whole pregnancy (at first they thought we were having twins, now THAT was scary!) So, I have been told throughout this whole seven months that I will probably be delivering early which was less nerve wracking when I was only five months pregnant! But all in all little Josephs heart rate was perfect and so was my blood pressure and weight gain. Yay for that because stepping on that scale scares the heck out of me!
I feel so blessed to be having this new little one. I cannot wait to be a mom. Even though I don't know all the right things to do, and changing diapers makes me a little sick. I am so excited to hold our little bundle of love in my arms for the first time and share with him all the love I already hold in my heart for him.

1 comment:

  1. You're blog is so nice! I'm glad that I found it! And Chelsea, you will be a great mom! I'm excited for us both to have our babies!!
