September 24, 2010

Mom and Babe Update

Only 39 days to go! that is SO crazy. I am getting ridiculously nervous and so excited/impatient all at the same time. Last night we had our last prenatal class and it was really good. Our teacher taught us about breastfeeding which was really good because that is something I am super unsure about and really nervous for. We also learned about vaccinations and circumcision and normal things for a baby that most parents worry about such as cradle cap and so on. Here are a couple pictures of our class

  Click on the pictures to enlarge them.

I am really happy that we took this class I think we both learned a lot and I am way more prepared for this whole child-birth and new mom thing that we are about to experience. (39 DAYS aahhhh!!!) I am freaking out! I've started counting days by the way because it freaks me out less. Another reason I loved taking this class was because I didn't feel huge around a whole bunch of pregnant women and we got to compare stories and feelings which was really nice. Here is a picture of my  bump this week. I am shocked at how much it grows every week.
Now that I am getting closer to the end of my  pregnancy I am kind of sad, which is  something I never thought would happen considering I am not a huge fan of being pregnant. I am going to miss feeling him inside me in the protection of my womb. I am going to miss feeling him hiccup which is the coolest thing ever. I'm so shocked at the protected and loving feelings I have for him already. I love him so much.


1 comment:

  1. You look glowing and gorgeous! Now...tons of people take prenatal and birth preparation classes but the number of people who take actual parenting classes is so much less... And probably more important. Something to think about! Xox
