September 06, 2010

Oh the Symptom you Didn't Know About

Everyone knows there are an array of pregnancy symptoms. From early symptoms such as: nausea, breast tenderness, tiredness, food cravings and heightened sense of smell. To symptoms that come a little later on such as heartburn, bloating, constipation (grafic yes I know but, true) backache, water retention i.e swelling of feet, ankles, hands and face, hemorrhoids, hard time breathing and difficulty sleeping. But, I bet you didn't know, unless you were/are lucky enough to experience this wondrous symptom, carpal tunnel is also something you can get later on in pregnancy. And, boy did it ever hit me hard! 
Sometime last week I started waking up with tingling hands which was so bad it would wake me up. Then, further along in the week I started getting really bad pains in my hands. I've never experienced anything like this before so I thought it was just from the way I was sleeping. It had gotten so bad by Sunday that I  decided to go to the clinic. I told the Dr. what my symptoms were and I had barely started when he told me I have prengancy induced carpal tunnel. What? you can get carpal tunnel from pregnancy? He also told me that unfortunately I will just have to live with it because there isn't anything they can do while I'm pregnant. Oh Joy! So I have to live with this horrible pain in not only one but both of my hands. Luckily it goes away after 89% of cases. So in all reality I could  be in the 11% that has it after pregnancy as well!
Mind you, besides the horrible morning sickness, I mean all day sickness,I had in the beginning and the fact that my hips like to hurt more than anything ever has before, my pregnancy has actually been a pretty easy one. I've only had heartburn like twice which I am super thankful for because those two times were bad enough!  
So, knowing full well all the things that can come along with pregnancy why do we still do it? Are we crazy? I mean there are amazing things too like feeling your little one move inside you for the first time, and seeing what amazing things your body can do. Oh and the best thing is the baby you get at the end of the nine months, thats pretty cool too. 
I should probably stop typing and rest my poor little hands

1 comment:

  1. Yes! I absolutely know what you're talking about! That started happening to me about a week ago, too. You know how I said I thought it was a calcium deficiency? I talked with my mom, and she said that it was carpal tunnel...she had that sometimes when she was prego, too. It's sore in the mornings and a very strange tingly sensation at night - and I find that I'm clenching my fists sometimes when I sleep, too, which I'm sure only aggrevates it. So far, it isn't terrible, but so weird! I definitely didn't expect it, either.
