October 17, 2010

The Final Countdown

On Wednesday I will be 38 weeks pregnant...WOW how time just flies. It seems like just last week that I thought I had the flu and my mom asked if I was sure I wasn't pregnant. I can't believe how much has changed in this past year. It has been the best year of my life and I am looking forward to all the changes the years will bring to our lives. But, really? 38 weeks already? That means that this little one could come literally any time now. ANY TIME. However, when I went to the Dr. on Wednesday he said that he hadn't dropped yet so maybe I won't be earlier than November 3rd. 
I'm planning on spending these next two weeks getting everything ready. I have pretty much finished putting everything in the places I want them but, having an apartment isn't really conducive to all of the stuff we have. I'm finding that there is not enough storage space for all of our stuff. These past couple weeks I've been getting super uncomfortable. It feels like my pelvis and hips are being torn four different ways. It's really fun... I've also had heartburn real bad which is random because I didn't have it at all throughout my other trimesters. But, oh well I guess these are just the things that come with the end of a pregnancy. I keep telling myself it will all be over soon which scares and excites me at the same time.
I think the thing I am most looking forward to is seeing Roland become a father. I am so lucky to have him in my life as my husband and the father to my child. He is so excited and it always puts a huge smile on my face when I see him talk about his son. Roland is going to be the most amazing father. I've always been worried that I would have a husband who wasn't really involved in my childrens lives, but Roland will be so involved. 
I cannot wait to have Joseph in my arms and I cannot believe that its so close!

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