November 03, 2010

The Due Date of our Son

Today is the due date of our son. It has been so exciting counting down to this day, and it is finally here. But where is our son? Chelsea has been excited that he could be here any day for at least two weeks, and now she has become impatient. I can understand, but only partially. I haven't had to feel the aching of hips, the carrying of extra weight, or the cramping that comes and goes, just as a teaser of what is to come. I eagerly await and do what I can to help, but really, do any of the old wives tails help to induce? Not for us, so far. But as we wait, I can't help but think of how exciting the unravelling of events will be once our bundle of joy makes his arrival. What has been peaceful, and for the most part an easy pregnancy (especially for me!) seems as though it isn't building to it's climax yet, but being calm before the storm is a good thing, right? What I mean is that Chelsea is healthy and Joseph is active in the womb... these are all good things. And it will all culminate in the birth of our son, whom we already adore, eventually. So as we await for this exciting new page in the book of our lives to be written, I can't help but wonder what is to come. Will our son be a happy baby or will he be cholicy? When will he start sleeping through the night? What will be his first word? I know it's all going to fly by so fast once he's here, but for now, it feels like his arrival is on pause. Until you arrive, son, we await longingly.

Love, Dad

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