December 10, 2010


Today our little one is one month old. Already?!?! are you kidding me? It surprises me how fast time passes, especially considering how slow nine months went when I was pregnant. I think that's because I was waiting to "get there". You know how when your traveling somewhere the way there seems so long, but the way home flies by? 
This first month of my sons life has already brought so many milestones and I look forward every day to see what new thing he will that day. He is lifting his head 45 degrees, focusing on faces, focusing on objects, following objects with his eyes and as well as turning his whole head to follow them, he's found his hands, and today he smiled and it was the most amazing moment of my whole life. He has been kind of smiling for the past week but today his whole face lit up and I cried. I can't believe I'm one of those moms...actually wait...who am I kidding? I always knew I would be one of those moms. 
When I was pregnant I could not wait for Joseph to come but now it all seems to be racing by faster than I would like. Although, I am so excited to watch him grow into the person he is going to be. I am so excited for his first laugh and words, crawl and steps. I am so excited to be his mom and to help him learn and grow. I am surprised daily at the amount of love that I have for him and also that it grows every day. I am really settling in to this mommy thing and I am loving it!
P.S I started writing this on the 8th so thats why it says "today our son is one month old"

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